Protecting Yourself Physically And Legally After A Dog Bite

Posted on: 28 October 2015
Most people will agree that dogs are wonderful creatures. They provide entertainment, are a source of comfort and can even be trained to help out the disabled. Unfortunately, not every dog has a responsible owner who provides them with the proper care and training they need. When this happens, dogs can become disobedient, and those that are prone to aggression can become dangerous. Each year, approximately 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs.
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Three Ways You Can Be Lulled Into Avoiding Legal Consultation For Personal Injuries

Posted on: 28 October 2015
Most people think that they need an attorney for personal injuries when an insurance company will not pay them the compensation they believe they are entitled to, and this is often the case. However, it is when there are seemingly no problems with an insurance company that you need to consult with an attorney the most. When an insurance attorney or representative is most helpful is when you need to be on the alert.
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What Happens If You Get Pregnant While You're in the Middle of a Divorce?

Posted on: 27 October 2015
What happens if you get pregnant while you're in the process of a divorce? Unexpected pregnancies happen, and they're rarely conveniently timed, but a pregnancy that occurs during a divorce can really slow up the system. Here's what you should know. Your divorce might be on hold until after the baby is born. The court might not allow your divorce to be finalized until after the baby is born. If your husband is the baby's father, courts often simply want to verify paternity and establish financial support and custody arrangements for the child so that all the orders can be included in the divorce decree.
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Top Reasons to Hire a Child Custody Attorney

Posted on: 27 October 2015
If you have found that you will soon be in the middle of a child custody case, you might want to hire an attorney. While you may technically have the option to represent yourself in this type of case, you might find that the reasons to hire a child custody attorney are too beneficial to pass up. To help you make the right decision for your case, check out the following top reasons to hire a child custody attorney.
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